Yorktown University, Inc.
Graduate School of Government
4340 East Kentucky Avenue, Suite 457
Denver, Colorado 80246-2065
Telephone: 1 303 757 0059
Facsimile: 1 720 528 7761
Toll-Free: 1 866 675 4727
Why Study Online?
Education is a journey of professional growth and not everyone jumps out of college into the career or profession that is best suited for them.
Only later in life do some of us learn that career-oriented studies in business, computer science, chemistry, or even the law don’t fulfill our intellectual or spiritual needs. All that can be overcome by recalling Aristotle’s observation: “beginning is half the way.”
The starting point of your intellectual journey begins when you decide that a graduate degree from Yorktown University fulfills your need to be educated.
Why MA in Government at Yorktown University?
Yorktown University’s MA in Government degree program is designed for intelligent, aware, and concerned citizens who desire not to continue their education in an environment hostile to their political principles or religious faith.
The graduate degree program in Government at Yorktown University, therefore, is designed to salvage the educational experience of mature adults who desire instruction from scholars who share their values.
Our MA Degree in Government focuses on the philosophy of limited government of the Founders, on the origins of the Constitution of the United States, and the “originalist” philosophy of the Constitution of the United States practiced by U.S. Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas.
That philosophy of limited government has enabled the American people to cohere as a community of citizens who understand that political and economic freedom are co-dependent.
All Americans have a stake in assuring that this tradition is taught in colleges and universities, and Yorktown University’s Faculty in Government are masters of disciplined study of this unique aspect of the American political experience.
At the beginning of the last century, the private sector dominated civic life. At the end of that century, a fully developed bureaucratic administrative “state” regulates every aspect of American life and threatens to grow exponentially in the 21st Century.
Regimes change, even though their outward forms may remain the same, and the growth of the American democratic republic into an Empire could occur. The Founders of the Constitution of the United States feared such a development, and that is why political philosophy is central to the studies of Yorktown University graduate students.
The MA in Government at Yorktown University
Yorktown University’s MA in Government degree program is intended to provide access to the most important scholarship in the Humanities, Government, and Economics as they pertain to mastery of the science of politics. Here are four area concentrations that are currently available:
Foundations of Democracy in America
The American Founding, an extremely important area of study, and well worth a life’s work, became the focus of American historians in 1937 when the historian, Max Farrand, published documents related to the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
The blossoming of this field of study into a subject area of substance occurred only through the influence of Western European scholars who fled Germany, France, and Spain during World War II and educated a generation of American scholars on the philosophical and legal basis of European scholarship.
A new generation of American scholars taught by émigré scholars brought formidable philosophic and historical discipline to what might have become an area of archival research of no critical clarity, definition, or philosophic depth.
That is what distinguishes the study of Political Science from American Studies programs. American Studies Programs, almost entirely dominated by intellectuals who never studied Classical philosophy, Jurisprudence, and the post-war philosophical studies of Leo Strauss, Eric Voegelin, Bertrand de Juvenal, Albert Camus, Michael Oakeshott, Hannah Arendt or Gerhart Niemeyer.
American scholars such as Robert Nisbet, Francis Graham Wilson, Willmoore Kendall, Stanley Parry, Martin Diamond, Harry Jaffa, and many others greatly contributed to this field’s scholarship.
Today, the American Founding is one of the most important area studies available to persons interested in the Rule of Law, Constitutionalism, and American government and history. To this subject, Yorktown University has recruited some of the finest scholars in the world.
We believe that there are few traditional Universities with as many specialists in this subject as those teaching the American Founding at Yorktown University.
The transformation of the American nation from a federal republic to a nation-state with imperial obligations worldwide has not occurred
without transforming our fundamental law. What transformation has occurred; its implications for political life in the 21st century, and the relation of contemporary public policy to the Constitution, are the focus of this area. The origins and meaning of the Constitution of the United States have never been more important, and more frequently the subject of public debate.
Courses offered in this area concentration will interest attorneys, government executives, elected officials, journalists, and persons who would like to become knowledgeable about the critical legal issues of the day.
Political Theory
The ideas that shape Western culture are part of a mosaic of intellect that underlies Western civilization. The Western tradition of philosophic discourse, the language by which we comprehend reality, our discernment that the examined life is preferable to a life of ignorance, and the importance of citizenship, are concerns that come from philosophic discoveries of the ancient Greek philosophers.
Their knowledge defines our humanity, and when men, from any part of the world, reflect on what defines their humanity, they do so in Western terms, ideas, and concepts.
The area concentration in Political Theory at Yorktown University is representative of a generational recovery of Classical political philosophy begun when European émigré scholars came to the United States during World War II seeking freedom from totalitarian regimes and training a new generation of American scholars.
When society is destroyed and lives threatened, scholars seek answers to very important questions: What is political community; justice, political obligation, and revolution, and how should regimes be organized, if tyranny is to be avoided?
As the United States enters into what may be an “imperial” phase, there is every reason to believe that critical analysis of American culture, society, and the government will dominate the Political Sciences by the best and the brightest.
The works of Eric Voegelin, Leo Strauss, Hannah Arendt, Russell Kirk, Gerhart Niemeyer, Willmoore Kendall, Francis Graham Wilson, Stanley Parry, Harry Jaffa, Martin Diamond, Robert Nisbet, Raymond Aron, Albert Camus, Bertrand de Juvenal, and Michael Oakeshott are representative.
Today, their first, second, and third-generation students populate some of the best Political Science and Government Faculties, and their precision of mind, and language, has attracted many of America’s best and brightest to study political theory. In doing so, they counter an
anti-philosophical strain in American culture that is skeptical of “mere ideas” and which tended in the past to deny even educated Americans access to the history of Western philosophy.
Unfortunately, that blindness to critical thought is evident even at religious colleges and universities that have been created to provide religious-oriented education for students repelled by secular culture. The Bible, however, is a guide for spiritual order.
It does not completely address the central issues of political order. An understanding of that order— the order of civil society—is found in the Western tradition of political philosophy that begins with the Presocratics, and becomes fully developed in Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, and St. Thomas Aquinas.
The intellectual neglect of political philosophy so prevalent throughout American history has made the United States vulnerable to modern ideologies that have their roots in Western European philosophy.
Too many educated citizens, journalists, politicians, and cultural and religious leaders are ignorant of the Western tradition of philosophy and are ill-equipped, to recognize the difference between ideology and philosophy. The former is the source of disorder in the modern era.
The latter is a mode of existence in truth to which all just men aspire. Ignorance about philosophy contributes directly or indirectly to cultural relativism, the misuse and corruption of language, and the vulgarity so pervasive in public discourse today. This neglect has created an intellectual vacuum from which a deepening nihilism has seeped into the American political community.
The poverty of intellectual culture in the United States is the source of much disorder in our personal lives and leads to abuse of power in our public lives. That cultural decline can be overcome on a personal and societal level only by good education, and that is why Yorktown University offers a concentration in Political Theory.
The study of Political Theory at Yorktown University introduces you to the recovery of Classical political theory, analysis of modern ideologies, and the clarification of language necessary to understand modern political thought and explore fundamental questions concerning truth, immanent and transcendent reality, the meaning of existence, man’s humanity and the sovereignty of God.
Political Economy
Friedrich Hayek’s Road to Serfdom revealed a correlation between the political and economic realms: one road leads to despotism, the other to freedom.
Yorktown University’s concentration in Political Economy is founded on that insight and the choice of freedom first taken by those early Americans whose spirit is remembered as the “Spirit of ’76.” There is a correlation between state power, the political freedom and liberties of citizens, and economic freedom.
If one is constrained, the other is limited, as a consequence. Thus Economics is fundamental to the character of the government and the relationship between free citizens and their government. By changing economic rules, free people who are ignorant of economics can easily transform elected governments into engines for the abuse of state power.
Joining us in teaching the importance of economics for politics are several senior scholars of Economics from the University of Virginia, the University of Chicago, UC Berkeley, and the University of Washington. Collectively they represent the post-war recovery of classical economics that is associated with the names of scholars under whom they studied.
Taxation without representation; the taxation that confiscates your life’s work; the taxation that removes all incentives that motivate citizens to work, aspire to own property, and own their businesses, has been a facet of American life since the Stamp Act.
But, not until Art Laffer enabled Ronald Reagan to explain in simple terms how high taxes destroy initiative did the American people have an opportunity to vote in their pocketbooks.
Supply Economics, reviled as “Voodoo Economics” by a Yale-educated American president, became a staple of discussion in every town and hamlet in America, and Faculty in Political Economy at Yorktown University excels in explaining how supply-side economic policies promote growth, freedom, and prosperity.
American Culture and the Life of the Citizen
Mankind lives not by bread, or economics, alone. We have become aware that our culture defines who we are. And, if that culture becomes distorted, our character, too, changes—for the worse. Under the influence of modern telecommunications, no society in the world is immune to the viruses common to modern life.
Radical change has become a mode of life, and, as the sociologist, Emile Durkheim has taught us, radical change (good or bad) is destabilizing. Periods of radical change affect everyone, as high divorce rates, high abortion rates, and acceptance of “recreational” drugs, attest.
Popular music, works of art and architecture, popular literature, Pop Science, Psychology, and the many New Age nostrums to which modern man clings, are responses to radical change, and signs of serious cultural disturbance.
A reasoned critique of modern culture, and the outlines of a course for cultural recovery, have been sought by scholars of several generations. At Yorktown University, we challenge our graduate students to join that search.
How Do I Apply?
Apply online by familiarizing yourself with Yorktown University’s “Enrollment Checklist” found at www.yorktownuniversity.com
Or call 1 303 757 0059.
Next, submit an online application and pay the $50 application fee. The application for an MA Degree is found at:
http://www.yorktownuniversity.com/cf_forms/form_grad_enr oll_app.cfm
We will begin to process your application upon receipt of your official college transcripts.
Yorktown University Mission Statement
Yorktown University’s Mission Statement, unlike many mission statements, speaks forthrightly about our commitment to academic excellence and the dissemination of high-quality, low-cost, education products via the Internet across a range of academic disciplines.
Yorktown University courses in Government and Economics are comprehensive academic courses of study designed for students who want to be educated. If you complete your course of study, you will earn an academic degree. But, most importantly, you will have come to understand the history, principles, and practice of American Government, Law, and Economics. Here’s a link to our Mission Statement:
Yorktown University can make that claim because it is uncompromising in its commitment to the pursuit of truth, the integrity of the learning process, and our students.
One criticism of colleges and universities today is that they don’t pay attention to their customers the way businesses do. At Yorktown University, we pay great attention to those who apply to enter a degree program, what course of study they’ve followed elsewhere, and their reasons for wanting to study at Yorktown University.
As a result, before you begin your studies, we know you pretty well. If we have any reason to question whether this institution is right for you, we’ll tell you “upfront.”
Yorktown University Degree Programs
Master of Arts in Government
Yorktown University’s 36-credit Master of Arts in Government degree program prepares students for public service, elective office, members of the professional staff of not-for-profit educational institutions or “think tanks,” writing careers, public policy advocacy, and a host of other careers that require the ability to think politically.
Thinking politically is acquired, and the Founding Generation of Americans was compelled to think politically because their existence as British subjects was, to them, unacceptable. The requirements of their times, and ours, do not allow citizens to live wholly private lives, yet many do.
As a result, business and professional classes, and those engaged in technological pursuits classes that might be expected to develop have political leaders do not. All American citizens have public obligations to fulfill, and neglecting those obligations places the entire community at risk. Students choosing the MA in Government degree program at Yorktown University understand this, and this University is honored to have them as students.
MA In Government Completion Requirements:
36 total credits
12 courses—of which at least one 3-credit course must be completed in at least two area concentrations other than a student’s “Major Concentration.”
1 Proctored comprehensive examination after all coursework
Area Concentrations
Foundations of Democracy in America
Hist4101 Liberty and Power: U.S. History to 1800 Carey Roberts Govt4201 Origins of the Constitution of the U.S. Carey Roberts Govt4202 The Federalists William B. Allen
Govt4307 Roots of Modern Ideologies R. J. Bishirjian
Govt4306 Constitutional Law: Organization and Powers Thomas F. Payne
Govt4308 Constitutional Law: Bill of Rights Thomas F. Payne
Hist4301 Frontier America Charles W. Miller
Hist4110 The Progressive Era: 1901-1921 Gregory M. Browne RS4405 Religion in American History Randall Balmer.
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Political Theory
Govt4307 Roots of Modern Ideologies R. J. Bishirjian.
Govt4405 Before Philosophy to the Present Day: History of Political Theory R. J. Bishirjian.
Govt4105 J. S. Mill and Origins of Secular Humanism Linda Raeder PH4103 History of Ethics C. F. Sills.
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Political Economy
Econ4102 Macroeconomics Hugh High
Econ4405 History of Economic Thought William Luckey Hist4200 Entrepreneurial History of the U.S. Gerald Gunderson.
American Culture and the Life of the Citizen RS4405 Religion in American History Randall Balmer FA4405 History of Art Arthur Pontynen.
Lit4402 American History Through Literature Mark Malvasi.
Start Dates of Scheduled Terms
Students can choose to enroll in an open enrollment program of Independent Study (at the student’s convenience) or follow a plan of regularly scheduled ten-week terms. Students choosing the Independent Study option study independently, with ongoing faculty interaction, and admissions are “rolling.” Students may enter and complete a course at any time.
Participation in a schedule of fixed terms allows enrollment only at the start of a new term. Yorktown University’s academic 2005/2006 schedule offers scheduled start dates as follows:
- February 28, 2005
- May 9, 2005
- June 6, 2005
- July 18, 2005
- September 5, 2005
- November 14, 2005
- January 2, 2006
- March 13, 2006
- May 22, 2006
- July 31, 2006
- September 4, 2006
- November 13, 2006
All students admitted as Full Time Degree Candidates are expected to complete a minimum of eight courses every year. Yorktown University coursework is accelerated and covers a traditional semester’s coursework in ten weeks. Students have ten weeks to complete each course.
At the end of those ten weeks, if coursework is not completed, students have an additional six weeks to complete coursework. There is a fee of $50 for an extension of the deadline for completing coursework.
If coursework cannot be completed during the extension period, students may withdraw from the course. Those who do not withdraw will be given a failing grade for the course. In either case, re-admission to a course requires payment of full tuition and applicable fees.
Half-time students must complete four courses every year and enroll in courses according to scheduled terms.
More information about Yorktown University coming soon.
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