Is Louisville Bible college a real degree?

by Bhagat Singh
LBC | Louisville Bible College | Bible College

About Louisville Bible college

Louisville Bible College: Our college began with a singular purpose – ministry preparation. Since 1948, it’s been our vision and mission to educate Christian leaders. LBC was founded to teach and train ministers and Christian workers under the banner of God’s inerrant Word. Our mission at LBC is to educate preachers and other Christian workers for Christ’s church.

LBC has grown substantially through the years and we continually look to the future while holding fast to the heritage of our faith. Our students and faculty reflect that common vision. In the classroom and the pulpit, we practice the eternal values that are taught and lived at Louisville Bible College.

“For the love of Christ compels us”
II Corinthians 5:14 (NIV)

Mission Statement

Louisville Bible College | Bible College | LBS

Mission: To educate preachers and other Christian workers for Christ’s Church.
Louisville Bible College is training leaders for local church ministry. Committed to its Restoration Movement heritage for over 50 years, LBC’s purpose is to prepare men and women for Christian service through teaching rooted in Scripture and faithfulness to God’s Word.

Relationships are a primary dynamic of the LBC educational experience. Spiritual and emotional support of students is a hallmark of LBC faculty and staff, both in and outside the classroom. Each professor is deeply committed to Christ, grounded in the Word, experienced in ministry, and genuinely concerned for every student.

LBC offers affordable Bible college study for both traditional and nontraditional students who frequently commute from home. The accessible campus location and convenience of daytime, evening, and weekend classes offer flexibility for students who work full- or part-time while pursuing their college degree.

“The educational experience at LBC is what is most important to me: the quality of the curriculum, qualifications of professors, degrees offered, and atmosphere while learning. I also value the friendships I have made and am making at LBC. And I enjoy all this in a Christian environment.”

Statement of Faith

The Board of Regents, administration, and faculty of Louisville Bible College affirm the following doctrinal positions:

The Bible
All Scripture, as first written by the authors themselves, was produced under the direct inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Scripture, both the Old and New Testaments, is therefore the Word of God in written form and is infallible and inerrant in its entirety when taken in the original meaning of its authors. Thus it is the sole and sufficient rule for faith and practice.

There is only one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He has created all things from nothing, and He is the Ruler and Redeemer of the world, governing and overseeing all things according to the purpose of His will.

Jesus Christ is fully divine and became a man by being born of the virgin Mary. He was without sin and therefore was the perfect sacrifice for the sins of the world by dying upon the cross. Christ’s death was a substitutionary atonement by which He took upon Himself the sins of the world and received the penalty of sinners.

He was buried, bodily rose again on the third day, and then ascended to the Father where He now reigns until He visibly returns to judge the living and the dead.

Man has been created in the image of God apart from any process of evolution, and thus man stands in a unique relationship with God. However, man has sinned and thus every culpable person stands condemned before God.

Salvation is found in no one else but Jesus Christ. It is through Christ that God’s gift of grace is given to those who put faith in Christ, repent of their sins, confess Christ as Lord and Savior, and receive forgiveness of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit in baptism.

The Church
The Church is the Body of Christ of which Christ is the Head. She is composed only of those who have placed faith in Christ, repented of their sins, confessed Christ as their Lord and Savior, and have been baptized by immersion.

The Church is God’s agency, divinely established, equipped, and commissioned to proclaim the Gospel to the whole world.

That each Christian is called to make disciples, baptizing them and teaching them all that Christ has commanded. Christians are to serve Christ, their neighbors, and the world in love and accordance with their God-given gifts and talents.

Christ prayed that all of His disciples be one as He is one with the Father so that the world may come to know Him. Thus it is necessary to restore the church of Christ – in its beliefs, practices, and organization – as described in the New Testament to remove division and to attain the unity of all Christians.

The Restoration Plea hopes that all Christians may be united upon biblical truth so that the world may come to know Christ.


Louisville Bible College is autonomous; however, we share in the fellowship of nondenominational Christian Churches and Churches of Christ (independent). We are committed to the principles of the Restoration Movement. The College is primarily supported by contributions from congregations and concerned individuals.
“It is such a blessing to attend a College that stands on the Word of God.”

Institutional Goals of Louisville Bible College

1. A knowledge of sound doctrine as found in the Word of God.

2. An acquaintance with historical evidence and an understanding of the basis of faith in Christ and the Bible.

3. A responsible approach to Bible study that seeks to understand the author’s intended meaning.

4. An intellectual development that will enable students to be good learners, clear and logical thinkers, and competent judges of what is biblically right, for a lifetime of applying the Word of God to the accomplishment of God’s will.

5. Skills for effective preaching, teaching, and church leadership, which include but are not necessarily limited to writing and oral communication.

6. A personal growth in Christian character and fellowship with Christ, which includes the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

7. Evangelistic skills for leading others to Christ, and discipleship skills to build believers to maturity in Christ and to equip believers to be fruitful in the ministry of Christ.

8. Development of a Christian worldview that is consistent with biblical teaching and the ability to recognize non-Christian worldviews.

9. An appreciation and love for Christ’s Church at the universal and local levels.

10. An attitude that desires to serve Christ, His Church, and the world.

11. Development of an understanding and appreciation of the history and ideals of the Restoration Movement.

Board of Regents Directory

Bible College | Louisville Bible College | LBC

The final authority in the determination of the administration, policy, and program of the Louisville Bible College is vested in the Board of Regents. The current members of the Board of Regents are:
Robert N. Azbil Richmond, KY Educator
Ben Ray Bean Clearwater, KY Minister
Michael L. Bell Glendale, KY Minister
David H. Brown Caneyville, KY Minister
Joseph E. Brown Charlestown, IN Educator
Odis M. Clark, KY Minister
Gary L. Coffey Glendale, KY Educator
Tommy C. Cox Elizabethtown, KY Businessman
F. Delbert Gray Sellersburg, IN Minister
R. Larry Holmes Hamilton, OH Minister
J. Andrew Keith Louisville, KY Businessman
Nelson E. Lee Nashville, IN Minister
Alton D. Little Bowling Green, KY Educator
Joseph C. McKay Henryville, IN Minister
Michael T. Sanders Louisville, KY Businessman
Virgil L. Tapp Louisville, KY Businessman
Clinton M. Williams Vine Grove, KY Businessman

Training Leaders for the Local Church

Louisville Bible College is training leaders for local church ministry. Committed to its Restoration Movement heritage for over 50 years, LBC’s purpose is to prepare men and women for Christian service through teaching rooted in Scripture and faithfulness to God’s Word.

Mission: To educate preachers and other Christian workers for Christ’s Church.

Relationships are a primary dynamic of the LBC educational experience. Spiritual and emotional support of students is a hallmark of LBC faculty and staff, both in and outside the classroom. Each professor is deeply committed to Christ, grounded in the Word, experienced in ministry, and genuinely concerned for every student.

LBC offers affordable Bible college study for both traditional and non-traditional students who frequently commute from home. The accessible campus location and convenience of daytime, evening, and weekend classes offer flexibility for students who work full- or part-time while pursuing their college degree.

The educational experience at LBC is what is most important to me: the quality of the curriculum, qualifications of professors, degrees offered, and atmosphere while learning. I also value the friendships I have made and am making at LBC. And I enjoy all this in a Christian environment.”

Degree Programs

Louisville Bible College offers a variety of degree programs for traditional and
non-traditional students. Below you will find a listing of the programs and their curriculum.


Certificate of Christian Leadership
The purpose of this certificate is to provide students with the opportunity to develop their leadership abilities which will better equip them for general Christian service.

C.C.L. Requirements

New Testament 12
N.T. Survey 3
Gospels 3
Acts 3
Epistles 3

Old Testament 6
O.T. Survey 3
O.T. Electives 3

History / Theology 3
Electives 11


Associate of Sacred Literature

This degree is intended to provide students with a basic Bible overview and fundamental studies in the foundational books of the New Testament along with basic doctrine and general studies to equip them for general Christian service.

This degree also serves as a significant step towards the Bachelor’s Degree programs, since every credit achieved here will apply to either the Bachelor of Sacred Literature or the Bachelor of Arts in their respective majors.

After these studies, the student should expect to:

1. Demonstrate Christian character and commitment to ministry.
2. Demonstrate the ability to interpret correctly the Word of God.
3. Demonstrate a general understanding of the scope of the Bible, and be familiar with the life and ministry of Jesus and the beginning of His church.
4. Demonstrate fundamental rhetorical communication skills in both writing and speaking.
5. Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of Christian servanthood.
6. Demonstrate an appreciation for the Restoration Movement both in history and the contemporary Christian world.
7. Demonstrate personal evangelistic skills.
8. Demonstrate both an appreciation and an application of personal Christian disciplines and the Christian context for general foundational studies.

Associate of Sacred Literature Curriculum


General Bible 3
BGB-220 Hermeneutics 3

Old Testament 6
BOT-110 Old Testament Survey 3
Old Testament Elective 3

New Testament 12
BNT-110 New Testament Survey 3
BNT-221 Life of Christ 1 3
BNT-222 Life of Christ 2 3
BNT-230 Acts of the Apostles 3

Theology 6
BTH-221 Christian Doctrine 1 3
BTH-222 Christian Doctrine 2 3

Biblical Studies Electives 6
(Includes any BAP, BGB, BLA,


Ministry 5
PMN-011 Christian Service 0
PMN-110 Introduction to Ministry 2
PMN-224 Family and Home
Management… 3
PMN-250 Homiletics (men) 3

Missions 2
PMI-220 Biblical Basis of Missions 2

Music 2
Music Elective 2


Communicative Arts 9
GCA-111 College English 1:
Grammar and Composition 3
GCA-112 College English 2:
Research and Writing 3
GCA-121 Fundamentals of
Public Speaking 3

Philosophy 6
GPH-130 Wellness and
Personal Holiness 3
GPH-210 Introduction to Philosophy 3

History 3
GHI-241 History of the Restoration Movement 3

Social Science 3
Social Science Elective 3

Science 3
Science Elective 3

Total Hours for Degree: 66

Bachelor Degrees

The purpose of the Bachelor of Sacred Literature is to develop spiritual and academic excellence sufficient for entry-level vocational ministry within a local church congregation or Para-church organization.

LBC will accomplish this through an emphasis on relevant General, Biblical and Professional Studies. Beyond this, the Bachelor of Arts will serve to equip a student academically for admission into graduate seminary.

After studies the student should expect to:

1. Demonstrate Christian character and commitment to ministry.
2. Demonstrate the ability to interpret correctly the Word of God.
3. Demonstrate the ability to understand and articulate the Christian
worldview and how to challenge non-Christian worldviews in the ministry of Preaching.
4. Demonstrate rhetorical communication skills in the preparation and delivery of sermons, lessons, written correspondence, and journalism.
5. Demonstrate interpersonal and organizational skills in congregational leadership.
6. Demonstrate personal and organizational evangelistic skills.
7. In addition to the above, the Bachelor of Arts students should expect to demonstrate the academic ability to pursue graduate studies.

1. Demonstrate Christian character and commitment to ministry.
2. Demonstrate the ability to interpret correctly the Word of God.
3. Demonstrate the ability to understand and articulate the Christian worldview and how to challenge non-Christian worldviews in the ministry of Missions.
4. Demonstrate interpersonal and intercultural skills to effectively minister to diverse people groups in different cultural settings.
5. Demonstrate organizational leadership necessary for successful local church congregational and/or Para-church world evangelism.
6. Demonstrate effective intercultural evangelistic skills.
7. In addition to the above, the Bachelor of Arts students should expect to demonstrate the academic ability to pursue graduate studies.


1. Demonstrate Christian character and commitment to ministry.
2. Demonstrate the ability to interpret correctly the Word of God.
3. Demonstrate the ability to understand and articulate the Christian worldview and how to challenge non-Christian worldviews in the ministry of Family Ministry and Counseling.
4. Demonstrate interpersonal and counseling skills effective for personal, family, and crisis intervention counseling within the local church congregation.
5. Demonstrate the ability to recognize when professional intervention is necessary, and how to appropriately refer.
6. Develop evangelistic and counseling skills that are respectful of the counselee’s emotional susceptibility and/or instability.
7. In addition to the above, the Bachelor of Arts students should expect to demonstrate the academic ability to pursue graduate studies.


1. Demonstrate Christian character and commitment to ministry.
2. Demonstrate the ability to interpret correctly the Word of God.
3. Demonstrate the ability to understand and articulate the Christian worldview and how to challenge non-Christian worldviews in the ministry of Christian Education.
4. Demonstrate interpersonal and organizational skills in an educational, small group, and/or youth ministry.
5. Demonstrate pedagogical and andrological skills for the training of Sunday School, small group, and youth ministry workers.
6. Demonstrate evangelistic skills effective for the classroom, small group, and/or youth ministry.
7. In addition to the above, the Bachelor of Arts students should expect to demonstrate the academic ability to pursue graduate studies.


1. Demonstrate Christian character and commitment to ministry.
2. Demonstrate the ability to interpret correctly the Word of God.
3. Demonstrate the ability to understand and articulate the Christian worldview and how to challenge non-Christian worldviews in both Christian and secular settings.
4. Demonstrate interpersonal skills and Biblical knowledge to effectively minister to the varied needs of the family, church, and workplace.
5. Demonstrate the ability to communicate Scriptural principles and equip Christians to apply them in a daily context.
6. Demonstrate personal evangelistic skills in the context of daily Christian living.
7. In addition to the above, the Bachelor of Arts students should expect to demonstrate the academic ability to pursue graduate studies.

Bachelor of Sacred Literature Curriculum


General Bible 3
BGB-220 Hermeneutics 3

Old Testament 15
BOT-110 Old Testament Survey 3
Pentateuch (choose one)
BOT-321 Pentateuch: Genesis 3
BOT-323 Pentateuch: Exodus 3
BOT-325 Pentateuch: Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy 3
History (choose one)
BOT-331 History: Joshua, Judges, Ruth 3
BOT-335 History: United Kingdom 3
BOT-341 History: Divided Kingdom 3
BOT-345 Post-Exilic Israel 3
Wisdom Literature (choose one)
BOT-351 Wisdom Literature: Job 3
BOT-353 Wisdom Literature: Psalms 3
BOT-335 Proverbs, Ecclesiastes,
Song of Solomon 3
Prophets (choose one)
BOT-361 Prophets: Isaiah 3
BOT-363 Prophets: Jeremiah, Lamentations 3
BOT-366 Prophets: Ezekiel 3
BOT-368 Prophets: Daniel 3
BOT-371 Minor Prophets 1 3
BOT-372 Minor Prophets 2 3

New Testament 18
BNT-110 New Testament Survey 3
BNT-221 Life of Christ 1 3
BNT-222 Life of Christ 2 3
BNT-230 Acts of the Apostles 3
Pauline Epistles (choose one)
BNT-341 Pauline Epistles: Romans 3
BNT-345 Pauline Epistles: 1 Corinthians 3
BNT-347 Pauline Epistles: 2 Corinthians 3
BNT-351 Pauline Epistles: Galatians 3
BNT-353 Pauline Epistles: Prison
Epistles 1 (Ephesians, Philippians) 3
BNT-356 Pauline Epistles: Prison
Epistles 2 (Colossians, Philemon) 3
BNT-361 Pauline Epistles:
1, 2 Thessalonians 3
BNT-364 Pauline Epistles: Epistles To
The Evangelists (1,2 Tim., Titus) 3
General Epistles (choose one)
BNT-371 General Epistles: Hebrews 3
BNT-373 General Epistles: James 3
BNT-375 General Epistles:
1,2 Peter, Jude 3
BNT-379 General Epistles: 1,2,3 John 3
BNT-383 General Epistles: Revelation 3

Theology 12
BTH-221 Christian Doctrine 1 3
BTH-222 Christian Doctrine 2 3
BTH-261 Ethics 3
BAP-250 Introduction to Apologetics 3
BAP-351 Science and Theology 3

Biblical Studies Electives 6
(Includes any BAP, BGB, BLA,


Communicative Arts 12
GCA-111 College English 1:
Grammar and Composition 3
GCA-112 College English 2:
Research and Writing 3
GCA-121 Fundamentals of
Public Speaking 3
Communicative Arts Elective 3

Philosophy 9
GPH-130 Wellness and
Personal Holiness 3
GPH-210 Introduction to Philosophy 3
GPH-340 Worldviews Analysis 3

History 9
GHI-221 Church History 3
GHI-241 History of the Restoration Movement 3
History Elective 3

Social Science 3
Social Science Elective (*see below) 3
*Note: Counseling Majors must have Psychology here!

Science 3
Science Elective 3


Ministry 9
PMN-011 Christian Service 0
PMN-110 Introduction to Ministry 2
PMN-121 Theology of Evangelism 2
PMN-122 Personal Evangelism 2
PMN-224 Family and Home
Management… 3
PMN-250 Homiletics (men) 3

Family Ministry and Counseling 3
PFC-221 Principles of Counseling 3

Missions 2
PMI-220 Biblical Basis of Missions 2

Christian Education 6
PCE-110 Introduction to Education 3
Elective (except for Fam. Min.
& Coun. Major) 3

Music 2
Music Elective 2


Each Major 18
Internship 2

Total Hours for Degree: 132

Bachelor of Arts – Ministerial Curriculum


General Bible 3
BGB-220 Hermeneutics 3

Old Testament 15
BOT-110 Old Testament Survey 3
Pentateuch (choose one)
BOT-321 Pentateuch: Genesis 3
BOT-323 Pentateuch: Exodus 3
BOT-325 Pentateuch: Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy 3
History (choose one)
BOT-331 History: Joshua, Judges, Ruth 3
BOT-335 History: United Kingdom 3
BOT-341 History: Divided Kingdom 3
BOT-345 Post-Exilic Israel 3
Wisdom Literature (choose one)
BOT-351 Wisdom Literature: Job 3
BOT-353 Wisdom Literature: Psalms 3
BOT-335 Proverbs, Ecclesiastes,
Song of Solomon 3
Prophets (choose one)
BOT-361 Prophets: Isaiah 3
BOT-363 Prophets: Jeremiah, Lamentations 3
BOT-366 Prophets: Ezekiel 3
BOT-368 Prophets: Daniel 3
BOT-371 Minor Prophets 1 3
BOT-372 Minor Prophets 2 3

New Testament 18
BNT-110 New Testament Survey 3
BNT-221 Life of Christ 1 3
BNT-222 Life of Christ 2 3
BNT-230 Acts of the Apostles 3
Pauline Epistles (choose one)
BNT-341 Pauline Epistles: Romans 3
BNT-345 Pauline Epistles: 1 Corinthians 3
BNT-347 Pauline Epistles: 2 Corinthians 3
BNT-351 Pauline Epistles: Galatians 3
BNT-353 Pauline Epistles: Prison
Epistles 1 (Ephesians, Philippians) 3
BNT-356 Pauline Epistles: Prison
Epistles 2 (Colossians, Philemon) 3
BNT-361 Pauline Epistles:
1, 2 Thessalonians 3
BNT-364 Pauline Epistles: Epistles To
The Evangelists (1,2 Tim., Titus) 3
General Epistles (choose one)
BNT-371 General Epistles: Hebrews 3
BNT-373 General Epistles: James 3
BNT-375 General Epistles:
1,2 Peter, Jude 3
BNT-379 General Epistles: 1,2,3 John 3
BNT-383 General Epistles: Revelation 3

Theology 12
BTH-221 Christian Doctrine 1 3
BTH-222 Christian Doctrine 2 3
BTH-261 Ethics 3
BAP-250 Introduction to Apologetics 3
BAP-351 Science and Theology 3

Language 9
NT Emphasis
BLA-221 Beginning
New Testament Greek 3
BLA-222 Intermediate
New Testament Greek 3
BLA-321 Advanced
New Testament Greek 3
OT Emphasis
BLA-251 Beginning
Old Testament Hebrew 3
BLA-252 Intermediate
Old Testament Hebrew 3
BLA-351 Advanced
Old Testament Hebrew 3


Communicative Arts 12
GCA-111 College English 1:
Grammar and Composition 3
GCA-112 College English 2:
Research and Writing 3
GCA-121 Fundamentals of
Public Speaking 3
Communicative Arts Elective 3

Philosophy 9
GPH-130 Wellness and
Personal Holiness 3
GPH-210 Introduction to Philosophy 3
GPH-340 Worldviews Analysis 3

History 9
GHI-221 Church History 3
GHI-241 History of the Restoration Movement 3
History Elective 3

Social Science 3
Social Science Elective (*see below) 3
*Note: Counseling Majors must have Psychology here!

Science 3
Science Elective 3


Ministry 9
PMN-011 Christian Service 0
PMN-110 Introduction to Ministry 2
PMN-121 Theology of Evangelism 2
PMN-122 Personal Evangelism 2
PMN-224 Family and Home
Management… 3
PMN-250 Homiletics (men) 3

Family Ministry and Counseling 3
PFC-221 Principles of Counseling 3

Missions 2
PMI-220 Biblical Basis of Missions 2

Christian Education 6
PCE-110 Introduction to Education 3
Elective (except for Fam. Min.
& Coun. Major) 3

Music 2
Music Elective 2

(See Bachelor’s Degrees – Degree Requirements section below)

Each Major 18
Internship 2

Total Hours for Degree: 132

Bachelor’s Degrees – Degree Requirements


Advanced Homiletics Course: 3
PMN-353 Expository Preaching
PMN-356 Inductive Preaching
PMN-227 Dynamics of Communication 3
PMN-240 Introduction to
Church Administration 3
PMN-321 Minister’s Life and Work 3
PMN-390 Preaching Ministry Internship 2
Choose from the following to equal 6 hours:
PMN-312 The Effective Christian
Congregation 2
PMN-336 Ministerial Counseling 2
PMN-342 Leadership Development 2
PMN-345 The Church and the Law 2
PMN-347 Crisis Management for
Christian Ministries 2
PMN-351 Planning Your Preaching 2
PMN-372 Ministry with Youth 2
PMN-395 Preaching Ministry Seminar 1-3


PMI-221 Cultural Anthropology 3
PMI-331 Missionary Life and Work 3
PMI-371 World Religions 3
PMI-390 Missions Internship 2
Choose from the following to equal 9 hours:
PMI-322 Cross-Cultural Communication 3
PMI-345 Short-term Missions 3
PMI-361 History of Missions 3
PMI-374 Islamic Evangelism 2
PMI-379 Urban Mission and Ministry 2
PMI-391 Directed Readings on Missions 2
PMI-395 Missions Seminar 1-3


PFC-222 Basic Counseling Skills 2
PFC-321 Family Systems from a
Biblical Perspective 3
PC-331 Brief Therapy 3
PFC-336 Ministerial Counseling 2
PFC-353 Premarital Counseling 2
PFC-356 Marriage and Family Therapy 3
PFC-362 Children and Families 2
PFC-365 Adolescents and Families 2
PFC-374 Crisis Counseling 2
PFC-377 Critical Issues in
Fam. Min. & Couns. 2
Unit 1: substance abuse
Unit 2: sexual issues


PCE-220 Principles of Teaching 3
PCE-225 History and Philosophy of
Education 3
PCE-226 Developmental Psychology 3
PCE-351 Instructional Methodologies 3
PCE-390 Christian Education Internship 2
Choose from the following to equal 6 hours:
PCE-231 Christian Education
Administration 2
PCE-342 Leadership Development 2
PCE-361 Early Childhood Education 2
PCE-366 Elementary Education 2
PCE-371 Adolescent Education 2
PCE-372 Ministry with Youth 2
PCE-376 Adult Education 2

NOTE: This major is limited to those students transferring a minimum of 32 college credit hours to LBC.

Ministry Internship 2
Transfer Hours 9
The focus of the Study (Preaching, Missions,
Family Ministry & Counseling, or
Christian Education) 9

Master of Sacred Literature

The purpose of this degree is to provide a broadening and deepening post-baccalaureate education to equip Christian leaders for greater effective­ness in their chosen areas of ministry.

Pre-requisites for ALL MSL degrees:
1. Old Testament Survey and New Testament Survey Courses
2. An introductory undergraduate course in the area of concentration.

M.S.L. Degree Requirements

This concentration area is designed to better equip Christian leaders by
developing greater depth in the handling of the Word.

Bible** 15
Theology/Apologetics 4
Church History 2
Practical Studies 2
Electives 7
Thesis (or Bible electives) 6
Total hours for Master’s Degree 36

**Biblical courses must have prior approval from the Academic Office. Students will not be permitted to repeat Bible courses taken for undergraduate credit. Two hours of Biblical language or hermeneutics are a prerequisite for this concentration area as the basic introductory course.

This concentration area is designed to better equip Christian leaders to effectively defend the Faith.

Theology/Apologetics 15
Old Testament 4
New Testament 4
Church History 2
Practical Studies 2
Electives 3
Thesis (or Theology/Apologetics electives) 6
Total hours for Master’s Degree 36


This concentration area is designed to assist Christian leaders to understand the development of the Restoration Movement and its application to the Restoration plea and its place in church history.

Church History 15
Old Testament 4
New Testament 4
Theology/Apologetics 2
Practical Studies 2
Electives 3
Thesis (or History electives) 6
Total hours for Master’s Degree 36


This concentration area is designed to better equip Christian leaders to witness with more conviction, preach with greater depth, and/or shepherd the local congregation with a deeper understanding of their needs.

Practical Studies** 15
Old Testament 4
New Testament 4
Theology/Apologetics 2
Church History 2
Electives 3
Thesis (or Thesis Project) 6
Total hours for Master’s Degree 36

** The classes that apply toward the M.S.L. – Practical Studies concentration are those listed in the catalog under Practical Ministries, Missions, Christian Education (excluding 100-level classes and PCE-225), and Family Ministry and Counseling classes (excluding 100-level classes).


This concentration area is designed to better equip Christian leaders to be effective educators and administrators within the local congregation.

Christian Education 15
Old Testament 4
New Testament 4
Theology Apologetics 2
Church History 2
Electives 3
Thesis (or Thesis Project) 6
Total hours for Master’s Degree 36

This concentration area is designed to better equip Christian leaders (especially ministers) to handle situations that may arise within the scope of dealing with the local congregation.

Counseling 18
Including: PFC-501; PFC-502;
PFC-503; PFC-504

Biblical Studies 8
(Chosen from BGB-510; BOT-543;
BOT-515; BOT-542; BNT-510; BNT-520)

Theology (BTH-510) 2

Practical Studies 2
(Chosen from PMN-520;
PMN-530; PMN-580)

Electives 4

Supervised Counseling Experience 2

Total hours for Master’s Degree 36

This concentration area is designed to better equip Christian ministers to effectively present the Word of God in the local congregation.

Ministry Studies 19

Preaching 6
(Choose from PMN-520;
PMN-524; PMN-521; PMN-525;
PMN-522; PMN-526; PMN-523;
PMN-527; PMN-540)

Sermon Preaching Practicum (PMN-595) 6

Christian Education 1

Thesis (or Ministry electives) 6

Biblical Studies 10
Choose from: BGB-520; BNT-530;
BOT-515; BNT-540; BOT-540;
BNT-570; BOT-550; BTH-515;
BNT-525; BTH-516; BTH-520

General Studies 3
Choose from: GHI-560; GCA-530;
GHI-565; GCA-535

Electives 4

Total hours for Master’s Degree 36

NOTE #1: The M.S.L. in Family Ministry and Counseling and the M.S.L. in Preaching is primarily MODULE programs.

NOTE #2: To upgrade the effectiveness of our Master of Sacred Literature Degree and meet the needs of post-baccalaureate students as they continue to reach higher levels of effective ministry, we are in the process of revising our M.S.L. degree program. Changes to degree requirements may be implemented as one’s coursework applies to degree programs.

Admissions Requirements

LBC | Louisville Bible College | Bible College

Louisville Bible College holds fast to its mission to educate preachers and other Christian workers for Christ’s Church. Accordingly, the most important qualification for admission to Louisville Bible College is a Christian character.

The college seeks students who are committed to Christ, motivated to serve the Church, intellectually able to succeed at a collegiate level, and willing to learn through both classroom instruction and practical service.

Prospective students seeking further information may contact the Admissions Office as follows:

Mail: Admissions Office
Louisville Bible College
P.O. Box 91046
Louisville, KY 40291

Telephone: (502) 231-5221 or 1-888-676-7458
Fax: (502) 231-5222
Email: [email protected]

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Application for Admission

Candidates for admission must submit all the following application materials for their applications to be processed:

1. The completed Application for Admission, including the Faith and Personal Commitment Profile;
2. A recent photograph;
3. The non-refundable application fee of $15 for regular students,
and $35 for Excel students.

Having received these materials, the Admissions Office will acknowledge receipt by letter and will send reference forms to each of the three references supplied in the application. Although the items listed above constitute a complete application, a complete admission file includes the following additional materials:

1. Completed reference forms from three references;
2. Official transcripts as required by respective student status
(i.e. New Freshman, Transfer Student, or Graduate Student).

Only students whose admission files are complete will be considered for acceptance and enrollment at Louisville Bible College. Students whose admissions files are incomplete may be permitted to enroll for one semester at the discretion of the Admissions Office.

Admission Requirements

The admission file for degree-seeking students must include all official transcripts as outlined below. To be official, transcripts must come directly from an institution to the Admissions Office at LBC.

• New Freshman (never attended college): An official high school transcript confirming high school graduation date. Applicants who have not graduated from high school, but have received an equivalency diploma may submit an official transcript of GED scores instead of a high school transcript.

• Transfer Student: Official transcripts from each college previously attended. Transfer students with less than 32 hours of completed college coursework will also be expected to submit an official high school transcript confirming their graduation date, or an official transcript of GED scores.

• Graduate Student: An official transcript from the institution that granted the applicant’s undergraduate degree, and official transcripts of any graduate-level coursework previously completed.

Students who are not degree-seeking will be expected to complete the entire application process, and will be admitted as follows:

• Special Undergraduate: Although not required, an official high school or college transcript is strongly recommended. Should the student later choose to pursue a degree, transcript requirements must be met as listed above.

• Special Graduate: An official transcript from the institution that granted the applicant’s undergraduate degree will be required.

• Auditor: No transcripts are recommended or required.

Recent Posts

Bible Content Test

Knowledge of Bible content plays such an important role in the Bible college curriculum that it deserves special consideration and attention. The primary purpose of the Standardized Bible Content Test (SBCT) is to provide users with accurate and useful measures of Bible knowledge. The tests are an assessment of one’s general familiarity with the Bible.

They do not assess an individual’s spiritual condition, doctrinal commitment or readiness for Bible college education, or qualification for Christian service. The SBCT will be administered by the Academic Dean’s office during the process of registration for new incoming degree-seeking freshmen. The same or a similar test may be administered during the semester preceding graduation.

Conditional Admission

Students who have completed the admission process and fit one of the following descriptions will be admitted on Conditional Admission:

• Freshman who has a cumulative high school GPA of less than 2.00 or who did not graduate from high school, but earned an equivalency diploma (GED).
• Transfer students who have a cumulative college GPA of less than 2.00 or who completed their most recent collegiate term on Academic Warning, Probation, or Suspension.
• Home school students who have not completed an accredited home school curriculum. Exceptions may be made by Academic Committee.

Conditional Admission limits a student to enroll in a maximum of twelve (12) semester hours in any given semester. It requires that the student earn a cumulative GPA of at least 2.00 in his first twelve (12) hours of study at LBC. Students who satisfy this requirement will be granted, Good Standing. Students who fail to meet this standard will be placed on Academic Suspension for one semester.

Transfer of Credit

Academic credit earned at an institution accredited or holding candidate status by one of the six regional accrediting associations, ABHE, ACICS, or TRACS in the United States, or by a provincial university in Canada, may be fully accepted. Transfer credit will be applied to degree requirements at the discretion of the Registrar.

Credit earned at colleges and universities that are not accredited may be accepted by Louisville Bible College on a course-by-course basis under the following provisions:

1. If the College is known to Louisville Bible College as offering comparable college-level courses, which are taught by qualified faculty.

2. If the College is authorized to grant degrees by the state where it is located or if it is listed in the Directory of Post Secondary Education or the Higher Education Directory, credits may be accepted.

3. Credits accepted from non-accredited colleges will be officially accepted only after the student has completed twelve (12) semester hours at Louisville Bible College and earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00.

Grades for transfer credit are not considered a part of the student’s cumulative GPA.

Contact Louisville Bible College

If you would like more information about Louisville Bible College you can contact us by one of the following methods. A representative will be glad to answer any questions you may have!

Call 1-888-676-7458 toll-free or 502-231-5221
or email us at [email protected]


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