Easy Wells Fargo Login Online Banking

by Bhagat Singh
Wells Fargo

Wells Fargo Login

Keys are a wonderful thing. They are useful so we can lock our homes when we leave to keep things safe and then unlock our homes when we get back so we can have our things again. When two lovers are together, people often say one or the other has the keys to their heart.

When someone does something great or heroic for a community, what do they give them; that’s right, they get a key to the city. Keys truly are great to have. It’s not much different when it comes to your Wells Fargo online banking center; your Wells Fargo Login is the Key to all of the many things you can do and access on their online banking site.

Let’s take a look at some of the features of the Wells Fargo online banking site that your login key will unlock for you.

The Platform

The first time you use your Wells Fargo online login, you will be amazed at the layout of the website. It has easy-to-use drop-down menus, several point-and-click menu choices, and a host of useful information just a click away. It is well-designed and stylish, yet simple and easy to use. It is just the gateway that provides you access to all of the online banking features. The online banking website gets even better from here.

Personal Account Services

Under this drop-down menu, you will find the following account services.

Checking Account

This is pretty much where it all started in banking. The checking account is the staple feature of most banks; also known once as a promissory note. Once you use your Wells Fargo Login to access the online banking site, you simply click on the checking account under the personal drop-down menu.

Once your checking account is onscreen you can use it to see what checks have cleared, and what debit card purchases you have made, and then reconcile these against your other records to obtain an accurate account balance. You can also order new checks online.

Savings Account

Another key account is the savings account and once again your Wells Fargo Login can take you there and give you access to the Internet banking site. Once at the site, you simply need to click on personal banking again, but this time select savings account under the drop-down menu.

Once you’re on your savings account page, you can check the current balance and also look up other details of the account. Just like you can for a checking account, you can also open up a savings account online.

Wells Fargo Loans and Credit

wells fargo login

Wells Fargo login

Wells Fargo Student Loans

Do you have a son or daughter that is getting ready to go to college, but chose a little more expensive school than you had planned for; well the folks at Wells Fargo have got you covered with student loans. Once you sign in to your account with the Wells Fargo Login code, the student loan section can easily be found under the investments drop-down menu. From here you can access and apply for a student loan for your children.

Wells Fargo Mortgage Loans

Tired of living in an apartment or condo? Maybe it’s time to buy a home and Wells Fargo can help. When you rent, you lose all the value of the money you spend, but when you own a property you build equity and the money does not go to waste.

Once you use your Wells Fargo Login to get into the online banking site, just click on loans and select mortgage loans from the drop-down menu. When you get to that page it will tell you all you need to know about applying for a mortgage loan or how to talk to a professional loan officer further about getting a mortgage for your new home.

Home Equity Lines

Maybe you need some repairs around that aging house of yours that just don’t fit in the budget right now or maybe the washer and dryer need to be replaced. A home equity line of credit is a great way to secure a small amount of money to do some things that you just can’t afford at the moment.

It is less expensive than a loan because you are not charged interest on it until you use the money, but it is available just like money that you have in a checking account. To get more details about home equity lines, just use your Wells Fargo Login to get to the site and then click on Home Equity Lines under the Loans and Credit heading.

Wells Fargo Personal Loans

A small personal loan may be just what you need to get yourself out of a pinch in a hurry. Maybe your car engine needs an expensive repair or your laptop hard drive just seized up. Personal lines of credit are usually low-amount unsecured loans to get some quick financial help.

To learn more about them, just use your Wells Fargo Login to go to the Internet banking site and look for personal loans under the loans and credit drop-down menu.

Wells Fargo Auto Loans

It’s no secret that from time to time we fall in love with the vehicles we drive, but there comes a time when you have to realize that your vehicle has an expiration date no matter how much you like it. When this happens and it’s time to get a new vehicle, Wells Fargo is here to help you with a new or used auto loan.

They can help get you the financing you need to purchase and fall in love with a new vehicle. Use the Wells Fargo login to access the site (www.wellsfargo.com) then follow the drop-down menu to the auto loan section.

There you will find all the information you need on auto loans and how to apply for one. Before you know it, you will be driving away in the new car of your dreams.

Wells Fargo Credit Cards

Even for those stubborn people that always insist upon using cash, a credit card simply comes in handy once in a while. They can help you make a purchase when you’re in a pinch, then spread out the payments over several months.

They also come in handy when making a purchase online or doing things such as reserving hotel rooms for your travel; those are things that you cannot do no matter how much cash you have on you. So use your Wells Fargo login to access the Internet banking site.

Then click on credit and loans to bring up the drop-down menu to get you to the credit card information section. Once there it will tell you how to go about applying for a new credit card.

Wells Fargo Business Banking

Like any good bank, Wells Fargo caters to business customers also. Here are a few things they can help your business with.

Business Checking

Just like a checking account is important to your personal banking needs, so is it important to your business. It is the only form of payment other than cash that many of your suppliers will accept. It is especially handy for paying for a large and costly amount of supplies.

Be sure to use your Wells Fargo login to access the online banking site (www.wellsfargo.com)and find out more about business checking accounts.

Business CD’s

No, we are not talking about discs that play music. We are talking about Certificates of Deposit. These are a great way for businesses to earn a small amount of income on their idle money that sits in the bank. They do not pay a high yield, but they are a rare guaranteed investment, there are not many investments that are as secure as certificates of deposit. Ask more about them at your local branch office or use your Wells Fargo login to access the online banking center to find out more about them.

Wells Fargo Business Debit Card

Wells Fargo Online Login

Wells Fargo Online Login

Checks are not a useful monetary tool when it comes to doing such things as making small purchases, buying gas, and getting a small number of supplies. As a matter of fact, in ten or twenty years they may not exist altogether thanks to the advancements that are taking place in electronic banking. To take care of the small stuff it is very convenient to have debit cards for you and your employees that need them.

Not only are they convenient, but they leave a paper trail without you or your employees ever having to write anything down. They are a great record-keeping tool too. To learn more about them, access the online banking site with your Wells Fargo online login.

Then click on the small business banking tab and follow the drop-down menu to the Business Debit card page.

Merchant Services Payment Processing

We talked about the advantages of having credit and debit cards. A lot of other people know about those advantages too and so they have them. Your business needs a way to process them for payment. It is just one of the many business banking services that Wells Fargo can help you with.

They do charge a small fee for their services, but the money is guaranteed and it gets into your account much faster than a check would. Use your Wells Fargo login to access the online banking site and then follow the drop-down menu under business services to find out more about this option.


Wells Fargo is much more than a bank it has a lot of helpful services including insurance services; take a look at the different types of insurance that they offer.

Wells Fargo Auto Insurance

If you take out an auto loan you have to have insurance on the vehicle; how convenient is that that you can do both at the same place? Auto insurance is necessary because it covers you, your passengers, and your car if you are involved in an automobile accident. If you are at fault it will also cover the other vehicle’s passengers and damages to that vehicle.

It will give you great peace of mind knowing that you are covered. Like all insurances, there are minimum amounts required by law and several other purchase options. You can get access to all this information by using your Wells Fargo Login and looking it up on the online banking site.

Homeowners Insurance

Another required insurance if you have a mortgage is homeowners insurance. Even if you did not have a mortgage, you will probably still not want to change to be without homeowners insurance. Once again, Wells Fargo can help you with both a housing mortgage and home insurance all in one place.

This is important protection you need that will cover you for such things as theft, fire, and other Acts of God.

You do not want to lose everything you have worked hard for just because you wanted to save a small amount of money each month. Once again, there are several choices in the amount of insurance you can get and different optional choices of coverage.

Use your Wells Fargo Login to access the Internet banking site and go to the section on home insurance to get more information about this type of insurance.

Renters Insurance

There are no guarantees that your possessions in your apartment, condo, or any other type of rental will be covered just because you are a renter. Maybe your landlord does not even have insurance. So it is better to be safe than sorry and take out a renters insurance policy just in case the unexpected happens.

They are usually a very inexpensive type of policy and they will cover a wide range of things that can happen to the possessions in your home. So don’t risk losing your valuable and hard-earned possessions when you can easily be covered against these losses for a low monthly payment.

For more details, use your Wells Fargo login to access the Internet banking page and find out more information about renters insurance.

Umbrella Liability Insurance

Umbrella coverage is a kind of insurance coverage that supplements the amounts of your existing insurance and fills in the gaps for those coverages that you don’t have. If you have $20,000 in renters Insurance and you lose $25,000 worth of possessions in a fire in your apartment, you would normally be out the extra $5000 over your renter’s insurance amount.

If you had an umbrella policy for over $5000 then most likely it would kick in and pay the additional $5000 in losses that your renter’s insurance did not cover. So umbrella insurance can be a nice little backup insurance for several different things.

Go to the Internet banking site and use your Wells Fargo Login to gain access and then follow the menu to the section on umbrella liability insurance to get more information.

Wells Fargo Investments

Invest in Mutual Funds

Mutual funds are a great low-risk investment tool and Wells Fargo gives you direct access to over 40 of them. Once you use your Wells Fargo Login to access the site, you simply click on the ‘investment’ drop-down menu and then click again on mutual funds.

Once there you will be able to see all the mutual funds Wells Fargo has to offer, open a mutual fund account, or even set up a consultation with a professional investment banker. You can do all this and more from the convenience of your home.


Wells Fargo offers a variety of investment services and Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) are a big part of that. These accounts are great for saving for retirement and offer the customer that has them some nice tax benefits on the money.

If you have an IRA already, you can access the information when you sign into the website using your Wells Fargo online login. It will also give you information on opening one of these handy retirement accounts if you don’t already have one.

Rollovers (401k and IRA)

Maybe your company 401k has not been performing as well as you would have liked. Then maybe it’s time to roll that money into an IRA; it’s a lot easier to do that than you think and the login Wells Fargo online banking site can help.

Access the site with your Wells Fargo login, then go to the investments drop-down menu. Once there click on rollover and you will find all the information you need about rolling over your 401k into an IRA.

Wells Fargo Health Savings Accounts (HSA)

You don’t ever really know when an expensive illness might hit you and it becomes more money than your insurance will cover. A health savings account is a great thing to have if happens. It’s no secret that medical care gets more expensive every day. Here you can check on your health savings account if you have one or learn how to open one. Once again, your Wells Fargo Login will get you access to the drop-down menu to take you here.

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Pay Bills

Stamps are not getting any cheaper so why not pay your bills online? Once you use your Wells Fargo login, just simply look for the section on the online banking site that says ‘Pay your bills here. Once there, you can pay your cable, electric, and many other bills without going to your mailbox and you will also save on some stamps.

ATM Locations

Wells Fargo is a bank that is found in almost every city in every state. So why pay ATM fees of $4 on up to take money out of a competitor’s ATM? That is a good question. When you use your Wells Fargo Login to access the online banking site, simply go to the menu choice at the top of the screen that says find an ATM location near you.

Fill in the information it asks for and you should be able to find a conveniently located ATM that is not too far away.

Payroll and Tax Services

Do you have a small business that consumes all your time making it run; so much time that you have little time to prepare your payroll and your taxes? Well, maybe login Wells Fargo tax and payroll service is just what you need.

They will help prepare your payroll and keep track of your important tax data. It will free up your valuable time to do other business-related chores and will give you one less thing that you need to worry about.

To find out more information about how login into Wells Fargo can help you with payroll and taxes, use your Wells Fargo Login to get on the internet banking site, then follow the drop-down menus until you come to the payroll and taxes informational page.

Workers’ Compensation

If you have employees on your payroll, then you must carry workmen’s compensation coverage for them. Workman’s compensation will protect you and your workers in case of an unfortunate accident in the workplace. It is very important coverage because if you don’t have it and there is a workplace accident. you can stand to lose your entire business.

So visit a local branch and talk to an insurance representative or use your Wells Fargo Login to access the informational page on workmen’s compensation to find out more about this type of worker coverage.

There is, even more, you can do and see on the website but by now I think you get the point. Your Wells Fargo Login is truly the key to getting access to all sorts of information on the Wells Fargo online banking site. The login Wells Fargo online banking site can be great to have access to.

It is very convenient to do some banking transactions even after banking hours. And a quick reminder, don’t ever give your Wells Fargo Login information to anyone because then they will be able to access all of your account information and may use it in a way that will bring financial harm to you.

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